Are You Man Enough to Play Unicycle Hockey?
Braden Bjella
Well? Are you?
If you think about stereotypically “manly” sports, your mind might drift to those that require hitting and being hit. You know the sort I’m talking about — boxing, wrestling, football, all of the different sports where you try to knock a dude over in a testosterone-fueled way.
However, what if I told you that the manliest sport is none of the above? What if I told you that the world’s most XY-coded sport is, in fact, unicycle hockey? Would you believe me?
Okay, yeah, I guess that makes sense.
Well, no matter what you think of it, there are people doing it, taking to the court to play a version of roller hockey where everyone is confined to only a single wheel. It looks absolutely ridiculous and, honestly, pretty entertaining.